The Niwot Cultural Arts Association
in cooperation with the galleries of Niwot presents
Why Not Niwot?
An exhibition of Art that features the uniqueness of Niwot
$500 Grand Prize
$250 2nd Place
$100 3rd Place
$100 People’s Choice Award
Eligible entries: any 2‐D medium properly framed (depending on medium) and ready for hanging
Call for Entries:
• Non refundable entry fee of $30 per entry(frist three entries), $15 for additional entries
• Work to be juried by digital images
• Images may be sent on CD using JPG files only (recommended 300 dpi no larger than 1024 x 768 pixels in size), CD will not be returned
• Crop image excluding framing and background
• Images must represent the work exactly (finished work)
• Label digital files with artist’s name and name of entry (name_entry.jpg)
• All work should include dimensions and retail price
• Commission: All work in the exhibition will be offered for sale. Gallery will retain a 40% commission on sales
• Description of why your picture features the uniqueness of Niwot
Grand Prize winning entry will be featured in promotional materials used to market and raise funds to support the Niwot Art Walk. By signing the agreement, Artist agrees to allow the NCAA, and Niwot galleries/businesses hosting the artwork, the right to use the winning image on promotional materials, advertising and products to promote the 2012 Niwot Art Walk. Grand Prize winning artist agrees to sign and number 250 limited edition prints.
April 17th: deadline for submissions
April 25th: Notification of Acceptance
April 27th: Drop off of entries at osmosis gallery
May 5th Niwot Art Walk: Opening Reception
People’s Choice voting begins, continues through May 30th
May 27th: Exhibition Closes
May 31st or June 1st: Artists pick up art at businesses
Grand Prize winner and People’s Choice winners will be notified and their pieces kept for the June 2nd Niwot Art Walk and Awards ceremony